By Jargar
Medium tension
in stock
£23.45 | |
Low tension (Dolce)
in stock
£23.45 | |
High tension (Forte)
in stock
£22.86 |
* All strings are ball end, unless otherwise specified.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: My quality 19th century German cello has seen just about every quality cello A string on the market over 27 years. I keep coming back to Jargar A strings (standard medium weight) as they have the tonal strength, power and quality of sound other A strings lack. It replaced a Jargar, which was disappointing - lovely sound but lacked that 'edge' and superior response that I've found the Jargar A string has. Many semi-professionals and teachers like myself, have returned to Jargar A strings for good definition of the sound, fast feel under the left hand and all round excellence.
Cons: Be careful when you wind the string on to the peg. It's crucial that you don't 'cross wind' and the string stays nicely coiled on your peg. Also because of the tendency of Jargar A strings to snap, tune it up to a G rather than an A, inititially. leave it for a couple of hours and then go back and take it up slowly. This method has always worked for me and I've never had one snap on me.
Other: Don't be put off by the initial slighlty tinny bright sound. It only takes an hour or so of playing for that 'tinny' edge to calm down and disappear. Stringzone have always provided an good service to me, and I have found staff on the phone helpful and efficient.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: The 'forte' A string solved a problem on my old English cello (William Forster the elder). I had tried a Dominant. It was dreadful - weak and vague.Then I thought Larsen would sort it out. Beautiful sound, really lovely but just too weak. I needed more power, more volume.I'd used Jargar's before on another cello I have and thought a heavy duty A string might sort it out. It has been perfect. I am so happy with this string. It took a bit of playing in, but now it's fantastic. Great sound, and a good fast response to the bow, and left hand. Gives a particularly pleasing and clear rich tone in the upper registers and very highest notes.
Cons: Loved it. The only thing to be careful of is that your cello can take the strain of a heavy duty fully metal string, and it's right for you.
Other: If your cello sounds a bit weak and feeble on the top, or lacks clarity in the ypper range of the A string, I would recommend Jargar A strings, but best to start off with thier medium gauge bofore ramping it up to the forte gauge.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Beautiful A strings - I have used them for years as they give you a solid, warm and powerful basis on which to make your own sound, unlike many other A strings which give you a sound characteristic of the brand. They also last well.
Cons: None!
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found the following review helpful
Pros: On my instrument the A from Jargar is mellow, not strident like so many others; it is just the sound I like personally
Cons: I like all about it!
Other: I have used this string for over 40 years, i am a true fan of it's quality, and they last well forever it seems!
Grade 8+
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found the following review helpful
Pros: My son's teacher recommended a Jargar A string to improve the warmth and quality of his top end as he moves towards his Grade 6. ! It certainly does. She also recommended Stringzone for their service which was excellent.
Cons: I read many of the reviews which suggested that these strings could be temperamental on fitting. Nevertheless, I ordered one and fitted it carefully when it arrived - taking care to fit it without causing stress and tuning it up a semitone at a time - it snapped at G, a whole tone short of A ...... but Stringzone were fantastic and exchanged it.
Other: Stringzone service fabulous. Often, it is when things go wrong that you see the difference on service and, despite the initial frustration over the snapped string, the response was excellent. Will now use them for my fiddle strings as well.
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found the following review helpful
Pros: The pitch settled down quickly after fitting
Cons: The sound is hard, steely and unattractive. Not the quality I have had in the past and no better than the old string I was replacing in the hope of producing a nicer tone. A disappointment and a waste of money.
Other: (Don't know how the rating system 1 to 5 works and I want the lowest.)
Grade 8+
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found the following review helpful
Pros: Seems to hold tune fairly well for a new string.
Cons: Sounds quite "bright", almost scratchy. I bought this string because it was the same type I had before, however the one I was used to I'd probably been using for 10 years or more! I am slightly upset that I didn't buy the soft version, but am hoping it will mellow with use.
Other: Arrived well packaged within the described timescale.